You wanna get third world war started or something? Lord knows I'd nuke half the world to hell if I get the power :)
Anyway, it has come to my notice that some bloggers have been indulging in the practice of tagging and giving awards to each other, now as much as I hate any kind of labeling, YOU people are the reason why this blog exists. Yes, some of the shit on your blogs disgusts and excites me so much at the same time that I can not stop the poetry from flowing out.
But rest assured, I'm more full of shit than anyone of you can ever imagine to be :) now lemme not detain you all and show some love for the two lovely ladies, the ever charming Kat a.k.a Poetikat who has given me

[Three things that writing is to me
I was supposed to tell these three]
Here they are, feast yer eyes!
And now, generally we pass the same award to everyone, get a link and off we go. I'm not giving any of you these awards, I got them! but because I am so magnanimous and nice person inside I'm making ya a special award, its called....
This is for all readers who have the balls to upload this on their blogs! Because I love you all!! And if you DO choose to display this award, lemme know ;)
The misanthropy and disgust for all things living and non living shall resume from tomorrow.