Friday, January 25, 2008

The Fuck Off Feelings

I got some feelings in my head
These are not the feelings in my heart
Or anywhere else for that matter

These feelings are cold calculating numbers
Adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing
Feelings as scary as a maths exam

I dare not tell these feelings to anyone
If I do these feelings will not let me live
They grow claws and nails sometimes. Scary, no?

I fall prey to my Fuck Off Feelings when,
Every truth is the lie that I haven't heard
Every heart I see is cracked like an ass

The hole is in everyone

The last two lines are the crown of this poem :)
We'll be back with more !


  1. evrytime a read ur poem i get an itching to pick up a guitar and set it to tune! alas i dont have the talent to do so. but wud luv to see these lines swaying to rhythm.

  2. Wow!
    The flow was amazing nd it kinda shouts at u....nice stuff.....
    Lookin forward to todays treat.

  3. Very interesting!
    The traumatic trigonometry of life.
    But, with you they become poems.
    From your own mountains you sculpt other mountains...and this is " which we die and resurect".
    I like the lines about 'truth being a lie you have'nt yet heard!!'
    And as for ' every heart i see is cracked like an ass'...Well, about this point of view -it depends from where you look!!
    Mathemathically speaking --- There's no need to bend to the 'ass level'!!
    It could all blow up at your face that might take some delicate plastic surgerns to put things rightly.
    Any way nothingman..your signature is 'your signature'! the one we like!!'nt it TOT??

  4. hahaha.... loved it dude...

    "scary no?" - so cute!!! :D

    \m/ rokk on

  5. is porn the only winner during credit crunch?
