How boring would it be
To just be a tree
Rooted to the ground
While the world spins around me
It won't be much exciting
To see the seasons change
While the humans rearrange
Themselves in different skins
Leave fall and leaves grow
Through the rain and the snow
Sunshine, hail, and fog
Just breathing in this smog
Standing still is no thrill
And now the humans come for me
With their jaws and their claws
They rip, tear and open me
They take my arms and my legs
Turn me into boards and pegs
Divided and thrown all around
My single mind hears the sound
Of the slow walk of the beast
Who comes for all of them
Carrying revenge and retribution
Justice on its poisoned back
Justice is a sky turned black
Hey! A small token for your great blog! The Liebster Award!
Happy blogging! :)