Monday, June 25, 2018


there is slavery in comfort
and comfort in slavery
who the fuck wants to go
and break bricks in this heat

the routine will be the death of me
even if I inject chaos in my days
wrapped in duty, am i really free
will i ever change my ways

who the fuck wants to be saved
by angels or demons or ancient gods
there is no truth, no lie, no promises
only a neverending road

and everyone walks

Friday, June 15, 2018


Machines junk poetry
Scattered in the rain
The wires in your head now
Don't cause any pain 
Your rhyme schemes
Your time dreams
Drenched in old sweat
Recoil in horror at Father Time's breath
Random moments in a bubble
Atmosphere thick with trouble 
Hands of a clock tick tocking away
On the edge of wakefulness
Teeter totter sway
Gathering the words
Throw them in a bag
Stirring couldren of poems
A wicked old hag
And it's me
Always me. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

night and other perils

the sky is an open wound
festering with poison fumes 
they rise up in pillars of black
color the clouds in grey plumes

everything once alive
has withered and given up
the angels once proud
are sleeping in the muck

night is the final nail
in the coffin of humanity
exhumed, inhuman
it covers the sun

and in the darkness in the doom
the dreamers dream with eyes open
waiting for the stars
that have given up on us, too.
it's that kind of day, month, year.